so catherine (the lady incharge of exchange students) called my dad and told him the students will be coming on august..and then she was gonna visit our house by tomoro D:!!!!!!!
so i cleaned my room.. and my brothers. kind of =P if i touch his crap, he touch mine -____-"
You wanna know something else?!
Catherine lives behind my house T_____T;
great! haha. oh well.
While i was vacuuming, my cat (jackie) was scared of the vacuum hahhaha.
he was sitting on my bed watching the vacuum's every move..
after that i sat next to him and vacuum him HAHAHAHHAHA.
it was so funnyyyyyyyy
whenever i try sucking up his fur, I accidentally sucked up his fat and it looks funny LOL and when i try to pull the nosel off his whole body just jiggles. hehehehehhe.
I was so distracted i kinda spent 5 minutes vacuuming jackie.
After that i ACCIDENTALLY sucked in his paw ROFL.. it was so scary o_o!!
but he's a big boy :D
When I see him sleeping on my bed, he makes me want to sleep too =.="
that's why i never finish my work!!!!!
well thats all i did today.
I cant wait!!!!!!!
and i cant wait for my exchagne student!!!!!!!!
bye !
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
ok, so it's alarm rings; and i turn it off and go back to sleep.
i wake up..check my clock and then JSDHFFDSIAWEURPOQESDJK ITS 7:55am!!!
man.. i didnt panic lol, i just got up and pretend like it was a normal school day, i just missed the school bus, whats so bad about that? it's not like you gotta miss the whole day of school!
then i caught the 519.. u know what the good thing was?? the bus stop is right infront of my house ^^
but the bad thing is that it doesnt go through pinetree gully -___-"
i had to walk from south street to school!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was already 8:40
so i was sprinting on the oval to get to student services LOL
then i bumped into fey, sofy, sien & michelle?
They were late too =]
and yeah........ we ALL got detension xD
i wake up..check my clock and then JSDHFFDSIAWEURPOQESDJK ITS 7:55am!!!
man.. i didnt panic lol, i just got up and pretend like it was a normal school day, i just missed the school bus, whats so bad about that? it's not like you gotta miss the whole day of school!
then i caught the 519.. u know what the good thing was?? the bus stop is right infront of my house ^^
but the bad thing is that it doesnt go through pinetree gully -___-"
i had to walk from south street to school!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was already 8:40
so i was sprinting on the oval to get to student services LOL
then i bumped into fey, sofy, sien & michelle?
They were late too =]
and yeah........ we ALL got detension xD
Friday, June 5, 2009

harro ppl xD ive been feeling abit weird lately... i duno why =______=" il tell u sum of the weird things ive dan 1. ive started liking brushing my teeth, and i brush them like... double the normal time spent to brush ur teeth? hahaha 2.i think im shrinking T_T" 3.ive become addicted to facebook and friendster. wait thats not weird... 4.starting to hate myspace, not exactly hate..but getting bored of it. 5.thinking im abit paranoid 6.ive been working out so much, but i dont look any different lololol U_U yeahhh... thats how weird i feel atm. i think im gonna take my jap seriously, and do it for TER. [= bb il post another blog next time i remember ..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
YO !~
im not hyper =)
just feel like saying yo?
tak boleh?
well.. as u kno i havnt been blogging and keeing up to date coz errr *cough* ive been studying and stuff *cough*
well il tell you more about my exciting life.. and what ive done tts week waahhaha.
ok so, on monday was foundation day or watever day u know, so we didnt have sport wtf i mean school. yeah so that was boring, plus i didnt do anything -.-
actually i didnt go ANYWHERE on the long weekend =( coz i have no friends to go out with and my parents ditched me. So i stayed home with my cat :)
omgauh.. on tuesday i had to go dentist check up aGAIN for braces and geesh. so boring all she did was check it then say ok bye , come back until another 6 to 8 weeks kay *grinny asian smile*
i was like "err ok, dont call me back -.-"
i hate the dentist.
i dont like ppl looking in my mouth becoz i dribble alot LMAO.
omg i have a dribbling habit man!
i dono if its normal or its just me o.o
but everytime im daydreaming or leaning to one side theres always saliva coming out LOL
and i quickly hide it b4 anyone notices. :D
buy slurrrrrrrrrrrrrping hhahaha
anyways.. wat else, hmm.........
haha yesterday wehn i was catching the 98 my friend aaron didint have money to get on the bus and i told him when i tag on, il give him my card so he tag on.. so when i wantee dto pass it to him i accidently punched this yr 8 girl that was behind me hehehe. BY ACCIDENT.
and she was smiling at me?!?! like wtf?! ur meant to be like "HFLJKAS WHY DID YOU HIT ME BLA BLA" aahaha but i dono.. i guess she didint really feel the pain o__________o!
aad when i sat down, she sat infront of my ==' argh, and i had to say sorry again :] and everyone on the bus wanted to know what happen, gosh so kepo !
get a rife.
and u no, YOU KNOW....... that feeling when ur looking somewhere else and the person near you is fully staring at yoo, and u pretend u dont know they are look at you.
i have that all the time, and everyone says im paranoid BUT IM NOT
becuase i catch those peoples eyes that were looking at me!!!!!!!!!!!! and they fall in guilt and then they smile and look away -________-
what are you cacat? or bisu??
but yeah, im sorry .. i never smile back because iM SHY OKAY. and also i cannot smile because my cacat braces are too big and takes up my whole mouth space aiyah cannot even close properly.
oh yeah! sakiko replied to me!1 yay!
shes so cool.. she told me she played percussion and shes in a band for her club. haha she also likes shoppping but she cant coz shes too busy with her club =[
if she was my exchange student i would take her shopping everyday XD
anything to make my student SHIAWASE!!!!! *happy
well ive had like 4 aasesments due ALL on friday -.- oh sh*t.
i still havnt finished but i will! がんばってきます!!(^o^)~~
ok well im out.. gonna do some fbing and a litle bit of japanese homework or english.
chow chow!!
im not hyper =)
just feel like saying yo?
tak boleh?
well.. as u kno i havnt been blogging and keeing up to date coz errr *cough* ive been studying and stuff *cough*
well il tell you more about my exciting life.. and what ive done tts week waahhaha.
ok so, on monday was foundation day or watever day u know, so we didnt have sport wtf i mean school. yeah so that was boring, plus i didnt do anything -.-
actually i didnt go ANYWHERE on the long weekend =( coz i have no friends to go out with and my parents ditched me. So i stayed home with my cat :)
omgauh.. on tuesday i had to go dentist check up aGAIN for braces and geesh. so boring all she did was check it then say ok bye , come back until another 6 to 8 weeks kay *grinny asian smile*
i was like "err ok, dont call me back -.-"
i hate the dentist.
i dont like ppl looking in my mouth becoz i dribble alot LMAO.
omg i have a dribbling habit man!
i dono if its normal or its just me o.o
but everytime im daydreaming or leaning to one side theres always saliva coming out LOL
and i quickly hide it b4 anyone notices. :D
buy slurrrrrrrrrrrrrping hhahaha
anyways.. wat else, hmm.........
haha yesterday wehn i was catching the 98 my friend aaron didint have money to get on the bus and i told him when i tag on, il give him my card so he tag on.. so when i wantee dto pass it to him i accidently punched this yr 8 girl that was behind me hehehe. BY ACCIDENT.
and she was smiling at me?!?! like wtf?! ur meant to be like "HFLJKAS WHY DID YOU HIT ME BLA BLA" aahaha but i dono.. i guess she didint really feel the pain o__________o!
aad when i sat down, she sat infront of my ==' argh, and i had to say sorry again :] and everyone on the bus wanted to know what happen, gosh so kepo !
get a rife.
and u no, YOU KNOW....... that feeling when ur looking somewhere else and the person near you is fully staring at yoo, and u pretend u dont know they are look at you.
i have that all the time, and everyone says im paranoid BUT IM NOT
becuase i catch those peoples eyes that were looking at me!!!!!!!!!!!! and they fall in guilt and then they smile and look away -________-
what are you cacat? or bisu??
but yeah, im sorry .. i never smile back because iM SHY OKAY. and also i cannot smile because my cacat braces are too big and takes up my whole mouth space aiyah cannot even close properly.
oh yeah! sakiko replied to me!1 yay!
shes so cool.. she told me she played percussion and shes in a band for her club. haha she also likes shoppping but she cant coz shes too busy with her club =[
if she was my exchange student i would take her shopping everyday XD
anything to make my student SHIAWASE!!!!! *happy
well ive had like 4 aasesments due ALL on friday -.- oh sh*t.
i still havnt finished but i will! がんばってきます!!(^o^)~~
ok well im out.. gonna do some fbing and a litle bit of japanese homework or english.
chow chow!!
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