i got my braces todayyyyyy!
and.. yes it hurts ='[
haha cant eat hard food :(!!!!
i have to eat soup and yoghurt .. soft things y'know?
its not that great.. hahaha
but i hope to get straight teeth?! before graduation hehehe =)
so my appointment was at 9 rite.. and i wanted to miss out on 3rd period, which was maths.
and to miss period 2 and recess it would be like.. 2 hrs and 15 mins.. haha so i came back to school at 12 15. u know why i wanted to miss out on maths? ok il tell you the whole story..
i had a soccer match after school..
so i brought 2 bags, my school bag and soccer bag.
when last period finished, i went to my locker to get my soccer bag out and i put my school bag in the locker =='
not smart enough to know that the doors will be locked after 4! hahahah
and when my game finished, i ran to my locker... and before i knew it THE DOOR WAS LOCKED! AIYA
haha s!o.. i went home wiithout all my schoolbooks..especially my maths book.
so today (tuesday) was when we had a maths test! and when your school bag is at school with ur maths book that means?????????? NO CHEAT SHEET FOR YOU ANDRI!
so obviously, i didnt go to maths so i just went to my 4th period. When i was walking to my class my friend was like, "AHAHAHA ANDRI!! WE DIDNT DO THE TEST!!"
i sed
she said
i was like
"serioussss, damm."
so the test is tomrrow ^^
and i also wrote my cheat sheet ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
thats all.
and guess what!
chemistry is so easy.. i think :W
im so happppy! coz in my interm report i got 5 for english, and 4 for maths.
and now i proved them wrong!!
coz i passed both english and maths! TEEHEE
i got a B in my assignmentt, and the first assignment i got 0! because *cough* yeah i did something really bad lol.
and in maths i just got really low marks for not showing my working out.. and now i got big WHOPPING 93%!!! HEHEHEHEHEH yes..
but still..
i gotta study more and more.
to be the best u gotta beat the rest! i made that up. well i dono if someone already made that up but , yes i sed it first so fk;sadlfjskdfhsdkjgh to you
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I came across some really old pictures of me.
and i was thinking, coz most of my new friends havn't seen me with long hair? or don't believe ive had long hair?
well durrr fyi, i AM a girl bodoh. haha ^^
enjoy my pics~
well.. i dont mean enjoy, but ... JUST LOOK OK.
I came across some really old pictures of me.
and i was thinking, coz most of my new friends havn't seen me with long hair? or don't believe ive had long hair?
well durrr fyi, i AM a girl bodoh. haha ^^
enjoy my pics~
well.. i dont mean enjoy, but ... JUST LOOK OK.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
went to get my eyes checked today o.o!
coz my contacts have expired... and the degrees on my glasses aren't strong enough -.-
from -100 to -200 + =[ my eye site is getting bad D:
so i got new contacts, and new pair of glasses xD but my contacts aren't coloured YET! =D
after that i we went to the reject shop? to look around.. lol u cant belive wat happened man
i was looking for my mum through all the aisle, while walking past one aisle.. this lady was coughing really badly.... and then she coughed up this yelow stuff LOLOL. i was like omg EWWWWWW SHIAT
*the woman still coughing and vomiting*
*all the customers in that aisle run away with their mouth covered*
*i look in the next aisle, and i see my mum looking at happy b'day cards* lmao.
i told my mum that there was a lady vomiting in the aisle next door, and she goes
"so what? tell me which card looks nicer"
*you can hear lady's vomit dripping on the floor*
and i was like " MUM!! CAN WE GO!!??"
she was too bz finding a card for her friend -.-
i told her that lady had swine flu
and she still didnt care T_T"
DID i tell you the vomit was YELLOW like creamy yellow with red dots in it.. ahahha thats kind of a first for me.
all the vomits i've seen were green, and brown and clear and... err maybe i shouldnt be talking about it lol.
yeahhhh and im never gonna walk in that aisle AGAIN.
after that we went to dinner at batavia in vic park :D
if u guys like asian food i recommend u go to batavia ;]
its an indonesian restaurant.
omg btw im so pissed, my mum just said im not aloud an exchange student =(
but il keep begging .. i told her i wont do my maths and fail if she doesnt change her mind aand let me get the student :P
ive been begging snce last year! :(
coz my contacts have expired... and the degrees on my glasses aren't strong enough -.-
from -100 to -200 + =[ my eye site is getting bad D:
so i got new contacts, and new pair of glasses xD but my contacts aren't coloured YET! =D
after that i we went to the reject shop? to look around.. lol u cant belive wat happened man
i was looking for my mum through all the aisle, while walking past one aisle.. this lady was coughing really badly.... and then she coughed up this yelow stuff LOLOL. i was like omg EWWWWWW SHIAT
*the woman still coughing and vomiting*
*all the customers in that aisle run away with their mouth covered*
*i look in the next aisle, and i see my mum looking at happy b'day cards* lmao.
i told my mum that there was a lady vomiting in the aisle next door, and she goes
"so what? tell me which card looks nicer"
*you can hear lady's vomit dripping on the floor*
and i was like " MUM!! CAN WE GO!!??"
she was too bz finding a card for her friend -.-
i told her that lady had swine flu
and she still didnt care T_T"
DID i tell you the vomit was YELLOW like creamy yellow with red dots in it.. ahahha thats kind of a first for me.
all the vomits i've seen were green, and brown and clear and... err maybe i shouldnt be talking about it lol.
yeahhhh and im never gonna walk in that aisle AGAIN.
after that we went to dinner at batavia in vic park :D
if u guys like asian food i recommend u go to batavia ;]
its an indonesian restaurant.
omg btw im so pissed, my mum just said im not aloud an exchange student =(
but il keep begging .. i told her i wont do my maths and fail if she doesnt change her mind aand let me get the student :P
ive been begging snce last year! :(
Friday, May 22, 2009
Not feeling weird at ALL.
I have this weird feeling...
this weird word is bugging me
its like a word with too many meanings and you don't know which one to believe in
i hate it.
what is it?
why does it exist?
this weird word is bugging me
its like a word with too many meanings and you don't know which one to believe in
i hate it.
what is it?
why does it exist?
It's such a strong word, so many people use it and yet they just don't get the meaning.
i just want to say...
don't use the word when you don't even know what it means.
but the obvious answer would be "well, its when a guy and girl fall in love and make babies"
you TRY to explain it but YET you use the word LOVE in it...
but i'm fine with it.
Because i've been there and done that, i know when people are REALLY in "Love"
it's just too hard to explain in words.
second thoughts, i really don't want to post this.
but i will later when i feel like it.
i just want to say...
don't use the word when you don't even know what it means.
but the obvious answer would be "well, its when a guy and girl fall in love and make babies"
you TRY to explain it but YET you use the word LOVE in it...
but i'm fine with it.
Because i've been there and done that, i know when people are REALLY in "Love"
it's just too hard to explain in words.
second thoughts, i really don't want to post this.
but i will later when i feel like it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
today i had jap first period..HAHA PERIOD! GET IT GET IT??
not funny lah.
ok so i got my DAN DAN DANNNNN!!! JAPANEZU PENPAL HEHEHE. except we dont write letters becoz its like old fashioned these days.. so we get to email each other ^^
her names sakiko yamane ^^ i dont evn know her yet.. nor emailed her, cos i dono if she got my email yet. haha cos if she doesnt she would think im some weirdo emailing her from australia :B
not good.
so anyways..
my dad recieveed the email from the japanese exchange persun ^^
and i got excited.
but then i dono.. lol
hermm.. nextt period was sport.
it was sooooooooooo boling. all we did was run here, run there, run everywhere and then fall dead on the floor. hahahaha
but i was fine =D
i had lightning carnival yesterday!!!! and we didnt have enough warm ups/exercise!!
when we were playing, we all looked like hedless chickens running on the field chasing for the ball HAHAHAHAHA.
it was fun tho, i nearly got a goal!! but the goal keeper from safety bay was so fat, she took up the whole space :P jksjks.
BUT SERIOUSLY, geeeeeeeeeeez u no wat else is worse?! WE LOST ALL THE GAMES ARGHGHGHGHGHHGHG
so cacat man!
but i had fun ^^ we also played in the rain, which was NOT part of my plan.. but i already knew my hair was gonna get wet so wat da hall just deal with it honey ;P
so lately ive changed my life ;]
aand made my self study alot, because it will help me more wen TEE comes.
im not really looking forward to be doing homework for 3 hours straight, and another hour on my SCHOOL homework.
and apperently i have to wake up extra early to revise on my subs. hahaha HOPEFULLY i will get used to it and it will be more easier xD
The whole day ive been walking like a granddma becuase of all my muscle haha its one of those days where u feel like you've been sterilized and u cant move.. yeah it really hurts.
I tried going on the massaging chair but that made it worse hehehe
i couldnt lift up my head cos my neck was so weaaaaaak. u know WHY
cos i got elbowed in the neck 3 times while playing soccer TT"
its becuase im short isnt it.
i cbf anymore.
today i had jap first period..HAHA PERIOD! GET IT GET IT??
not funny lah.
ok so i got my DAN DAN DANNNNN!!! JAPANEZU PENPAL HEHEHE. except we dont write letters becoz its like old fashioned these days.. so we get to email each other ^^
her names sakiko yamane ^^ i dont evn know her yet.. nor emailed her, cos i dono if she got my email yet. haha cos if she doesnt she would think im some weirdo emailing her from australia :B
not good.
so anyways..
my dad recieveed the email from the japanese exchange persun ^^
and i got excited.
but then i dono.. lol
hermm.. nextt period was sport.
it was sooooooooooo boling. all we did was run here, run there, run everywhere and then fall dead on the floor. hahahaha
but i was fine =D
i had lightning carnival yesterday!!!! and we didnt have enough warm ups/exercise!!
when we were playing, we all looked like hedless chickens running on the field chasing for the ball HAHAHAHAHA.
it was fun tho, i nearly got a goal!! but the goal keeper from safety bay was so fat, she took up the whole space :P jksjks.
BUT SERIOUSLY, geeeeeeeeeeez u no wat else is worse?! WE LOST ALL THE GAMES ARGHGHGHGHGHHGHG
so cacat man!
but i had fun ^^ we also played in the rain, which was NOT part of my plan.. but i already knew my hair was gonna get wet so wat da hall just deal with it honey ;P
so lately ive changed my life ;]
aand made my self study alot, because it will help me more wen TEE comes.
im not really looking forward to be doing homework for 3 hours straight, and another hour on my SCHOOL homework.
and apperently i have to wake up extra early to revise on my subs. hahaha HOPEFULLY i will get used to it and it will be more easier xD
The whole day ive been walking like a granddma becuase of all my muscle haha its one of those days where u feel like you've been sterilized and u cant move.. yeah it really hurts.
I tried going on the massaging chair but that made it worse hehehe
i couldnt lift up my head cos my neck was so weaaaaaak. u know WHY
cos i got elbowed in the neck 3 times while playing soccer TT"
its becuase im short isnt it.
i cbf anymore.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009

This morning, i slept in.....lol
I set my alarm clock at 6 am but then i ignored it and turn it off and then i woke up at 8:37
and then i was like shitttttttttttttttttttttt !!
so i ran to my parents room and knock their door nonstop to wake up LOLOL
my dad called the school and sed i slept in =.='
lol could atleast make a better excuse "andri couldnt get out of bed because her brother stuck glue on the bed" or something LOL
japanese tuition was so boring today...
im gonna go back to *some jap name i forgot* sensei's class ^^
motte tanoshii (:
and kantan :D lol
thats it for today.. bb
Thursday, May 7, 2009

oh em geez.
yesterday (wednesday) i have sport second session.. and we're doing fitness ^^
guess what we had to do?
run 1.6 of the track. thats 4 LAPS of the oval! D: D: D:
man it was so tiring ehehehe.
and then after that was willo walk TT EVEN MORE TIRING hehe.
and then today
i have soccer tryouts at lunch, and then session 5 i got sport, and th after school was soccer training!
and yess, i got in both teams!! wahahhaha
lightning carnival, willetton girls soccer team ^^ wahh sugoi.
and now my kaki is very sakit =[
umm.. HAHAHAH sport was so fun!!
theres too many funny things me and flora did, i cant explain it in typing, but it was so funny in the moment.
i couldnt stop laughing and breathing :D
its hurts lol
when we were stretching i was still laughing hahahahha.
anyways, my whole post just doesnt make sense i need to go sreep! so tired i want to faint oredi~
i have japanese tomorrow! i love japanese! totemo tanoshii desu!
oh.. i also have nihongo matsuuri on saturday! :D
i cant wait :P
k byebye!!
i want to tido... and then next morning i have cramps in my leg and all over my body!! TT ohwell.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Session 2 Monday Morning!!

HAHA this session was the bessst.
first up i had maths, with flora :P
and when class finished i told her i got a w_____ bahahhaha
and she was like omgg hurry up
and then i had to gget my english book from the lockers which took my like 3 minutes
and session 2 was nearly starting so we were running, but then we saw people still walking to class.
so we both thought, oh we're not late!
AND THEN i had another w_____!!! LOLOL so we went to the toilet
and took up about 1 minute, after that there was NO1 walking around the school and we were both like
"shitttttttttt we're late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
and we were sprinting out of the toilets and running to our class laughing so much :P
hahaha so funny ^^
i just came back from school, turn on the computer and find something to eat, like usual.
but i just noticed.. ive done so many stupid things today its countless =='
so i thought i would tell you guys what stupid things i did today!
(btw i just heated up mi goreng and i left it for over 4 minutes all read, im gonna have to heat it up again)
THAT was stupid..
ok :)
1. in MATHS, i was trying to say diameter, and instead of pronouncing it dye-am-me-ter, i sed
dyer-mi-ter.. in a really fobby voice =.= ITS MONDAY GUYS.. geez giv me a break.
i had trouble aying in like 5 times.
2. In art, we're drawing a sketch of a tree, and 2 of my friends were doing the same one but different angle.. so i picked the "innapropriate" angle.. i guess
and when my teacher saw my drawing she said "wow andri, i can see something there that really shouldn't be seen in tree's!"
yee u wanna no wat it was?
i didn't no i drew boobs on my tree?!?! yeah.. so i started a new sketch and guess what..
i still drew the boobs! LOL
3. In science, on the board it said experiment, i wrote equipment ==' and then i erased that, and then i wrote experience?!?! too many e's okay! ITS MONDAY.
Mr Singh drew a diagram, and on one of the labels it said "NA Sodium metal" LOL and i wrote "The Metal" how could i be so stupid + blind!! i was even wearing my glasses :'(
so NOW
when i sed i came home and i would find something to eat..
i saw these wasabi pea's on the table.. and u wont guess wat i did -.-
i was thinking "pfft i bet these arnt even hot" *grabs the packet and pours a handfull of wasabi pea's* *chucks them in my mouth*
all it took was ONE bite and BAMM!!
"shit!! shiit!! shiiit!! wheres the bin!!" LOLOL u know wat i did after that
i wasn't even thinking when i spit all the pea's out with my right hand holding the bin cover, i WIPED my mouth with the lid HAHAHAHAHAHA. and then i looked at it and i was like
"eeeeeeeeeeeew shit shit, wheres the tap!!!!"
:) yes and then wasabi flavour was gone :))))
ok that was my stupid thing i did today!
il write a blog another time (about me doing stupid things)^^"
haiyahhh.. rough dayy dont ya think..
i just came back from school, turn on the computer and find something to eat, like usual.
but i just noticed.. ive done so many stupid things today its countless =='
so i thought i would tell you guys what stupid things i did today!
(btw i just heated up mi goreng and i left it for over 4 minutes all read, im gonna have to heat it up again)
THAT was stupid..
ok :)
1. in MATHS, i was trying to say diameter, and instead of pronouncing it dye-am-me-ter, i sed
dyer-mi-ter.. in a really fobby voice =.= ITS MONDAY GUYS.. geez giv me a break.
i had trouble aying in like 5 times.
2. In art, we're drawing a sketch of a tree, and 2 of my friends were doing the same one but different angle.. so i picked the "innapropriate" angle.. i guess
and when my teacher saw my drawing she said "wow andri, i can see something there that really shouldn't be seen in tree's!"
yee u wanna no wat it was?
i didn't no i drew boobs on my tree?!?! yeah.. so i started a new sketch and guess what..
i still drew the boobs! LOL
3. In science, on the board it said experiment, i wrote equipment ==' and then i erased that, and then i wrote experience?!?! too many e's okay! ITS MONDAY.
Mr Singh drew a diagram, and on one of the labels it said "NA Sodium metal" LOL and i wrote "The Metal" how could i be so stupid + blind!! i was even wearing my glasses :'(
so NOW
when i sed i came home and i would find something to eat..
i saw these wasabi pea's on the table.. and u wont guess wat i did -.-
i was thinking "pfft i bet these arnt even hot" *grabs the packet and pours a handfull of wasabi pea's* *chucks them in my mouth*
all it took was ONE bite and BAMM!!
"shit!! shiit!! shiiit!! wheres the bin!!" LOLOL u know wat i did after that
i wasn't even thinking when i spit all the pea's out with my right hand holding the bin cover, i WIPED my mouth with the lid HAHAHAHAHAHA. and then i looked at it and i was like
"eeeeeeeeeeeew shit shit, wheres the tap!!!!"
:) yes and then wasabi flavour was gone :))))
ok that was my stupid thing i did today!
il write a blog another time (about me doing stupid things)^^"
haiyahhh.. rough dayy dont ya think..
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Saturday, 2nd Of May
lol, urhh i forgot wat to write
ok lets start with school.
on Wednesday was when we had to go back to school TT
term 2 started!! how excitinggggggggggggg nott.
i came to school at reccess becoz i had dentist appointment in the morning ^^
man i hate going to the dentist... so scary, i hate it when the toothbrush sounds like a drill LOL..
the dentist tried starting a conversatton with me, but obviously!! i couldnt talk because her hand and tools were poking in my mouth!!! T_T geeez.
i dont have much friends in there..
they are all... i dont no.. normal people? i guess?
haha (not fun kinda ppl)
I had to make a poem TT i hate poemssss becoz i can never make a poem that makes sense!! its just fob! ><
il tell you one of my poems.
bouncy bum bad bam bash
bubbly burb beer bla bla i dont no ok!!! it was really lame!
how the hell am i gonna pass with that stupid bob bouncy shit LOL
On Friday
hehehehhe i love sose man... all i do is just sit there and look at the teacher while he blabbers on about environment and stuff.
i mean seriously, he talks ALOT.
when u ask him a simple question he explains it like FOREVER!! and then when he finishes he says "there you go, does that answer your question??", i go all blank and forget what my question was ! lol
I LOVE MATHS especially with flora!!
its so funnnnnnnnnnnn
all we do is laugh at ppl and diss them lolzz
on that day, most of our class had basketball players so all of them were somewhere... like playing bball or something haha
so it was left half of the class.
there were like 10 of us.
Jai ho (jehoshiba) we always annoy her everywhere lol
she asked flora if she could borrow her calculator, and flora said "nup, wats the magic word??"
and she goes "calculator" LOL
and flora was like "tell her its mr viskovich" (mr viskovich is our maths teacher)
flora said "nup, what tha hell, why would the magic word be calculator u retard"
i loled.
and then * i secretly move my lips and said mr viskovich so she knows the "magic word"*
and jai ho goes
"mr viskovich" (really quietly)
and flora says
"what?? say it louder"
jai ho says it louder
and then mr viskovich comes up to her and says
"yes? what do u want?"
and ja ho goes
"oh nothing, doesnt matter!" (she was like blushing, but u cant see cos shes black lolol jksjks)
and then me and flora laughed so hard we couldnt stop
gosh jai ho ur so dumb!! =.="
and whn the teacher asked us
"can you double the normal sized pizza to get the family pizza?" (maths question it was: family pizza - 50 and normal pizza was 46, and obviously if u double the normal pizza it wont equal to the family pizza LOL)
and he goes
"put ur hands up if you can"
*and no1 puts there hands up*
*jai ho puts her hand up, thinking she is so smart*
and the teacher goes
enough of that now!
gotta go make my dinner ^^
thanks for reading, IF u actually read my whole blog on this post haha thanks!
till next time..
Umm.. yeah coz its totally in a bottle.

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