lol, urhh i forgot wat to write
ok lets start with school.
on Wednesday was when we had to go back to school TT
term 2 started!! how excitinggggggggggggg nott.
i came to school at reccess becoz i had dentist appointment in the morning ^^
man i hate going to the dentist... so scary, i hate it when the toothbrush sounds like a drill LOL..
the dentist tried starting a conversatton with me, but obviously!! i couldnt talk because her hand and tools were poking in my mouth!!! T_T geeez.
i dont have much friends in there..
they are all... i dont no.. normal people? i guess?
haha (not fun kinda ppl)
I had to make a poem TT i hate poemssss becoz i can never make a poem that makes sense!! its just fob! ><
il tell you one of my poems.
bouncy bum bad bam bash
bubbly burb beer bla bla i dont no ok!!! it was really lame!
how the hell am i gonna pass with that stupid bob bouncy shit LOL
On Friday
hehehehhe i love sose man... all i do is just sit there and look at the teacher while he blabbers on about environment and stuff.
i mean seriously, he talks ALOT.
when u ask him a simple question he explains it like FOREVER!! and then when he finishes he says "there you go, does that answer your question??", i go all blank and forget what my question was ! lol
I LOVE MATHS especially with flora!!
its so funnnnnnnnnnnn
all we do is laugh at ppl and diss them lolzz
on that day, most of our class had basketball players so all of them were somewhere... like playing bball or something haha
so it was left half of the class.
there were like 10 of us.
Jai ho (jehoshiba) we always annoy her everywhere lol
she asked flora if she could borrow her calculator, and flora said "nup, wats the magic word??"
and she goes "calculator" LOL
and flora was like "tell her its mr viskovich" (mr viskovich is our maths teacher)
flora said "nup, what tha hell, why would the magic word be calculator u retard"
i loled.
and then * i secretly move my lips and said mr viskovich so she knows the "magic word"*
and jai ho goes
"mr viskovich" (really quietly)
and flora says
"what?? say it louder"
jai ho says it louder
and then mr viskovich comes up to her and says
"yes? what do u want?"
and ja ho goes
"oh nothing, doesnt matter!" (she was like blushing, but u cant see cos shes black lolol jksjks)
and then me and flora laughed so hard we couldnt stop
gosh jai ho ur so dumb!! =.="
and whn the teacher asked us
"can you double the normal sized pizza to get the family pizza?" (maths question it was: family pizza - 50 and normal pizza was 46, and obviously if u double the normal pizza it wont equal to the family pizza LOL)
and he goes
"put ur hands up if you can"
*and no1 puts there hands up*
*jai ho puts her hand up, thinking she is so smart*
and the teacher goes
enough of that now!
gotta go make my dinner ^^
thanks for reading, IF u actually read my whole blog on this post haha thanks!
till next time..
Umm.. yeah coz its totally in a bottle.

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