Thursday, September 10, 2009


Once againnn, I'm sick.
I swear, it's the weather+season.
I hate it!!!!

Went to school today for 1st and 2nd session, then went home T_T"
It's good I went home before 3rd period because that's when i have baddy. kehe ^^"
Wouldn't want to walk to the stadium in the rain and wind. Eeeee~

Neways, im also depressed. Because I haven't been fasting alot this month, and i really need to hurry up and get better. 2 WeeKs until holidays -.--
Hari raya coming up !
For some reason I don't feel so genki about hari raya coming up. Is it because i'm sick or i'm not paying more attension to my religion. =S
That was weird, but i am one.

Better get some nap!
Don't wanna be sick forever.


Fey ☆ Avangeline said...

aww..ur sick..(T^T) cant go to swimming then..kehehehehehe...gahaahahahahaha
(do i sound so mean? =.=)

Andri said...

yes =( lol. Even if i wasn't sick, i still don't want to go swimming ! >=[