it's been a while since i've last posted........ Because lately i've been busy with
-my aunties that came from singapore, that came here for 3 weeks
-hari raya
-open house
-jalan raya -.-
-cleaning the house
-bla bla and lepak. guhuhu
BUT are you happy that i blogged today!??!! yes?!?!
Because today's my day to be lazy and freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
So i have this time to post and because i have something to tell youu. lol
This "anonymous" guy has been viewing my vids on youtube, and started nosing around my yt page then came across my myspace url. Surprisingly my email was on my page >.
Well ofcourse he added me and started telling me about how he found me blah blah long story short.
He kept asking me for a picture of myself because apparently i'm "pretty" on my video.
I told him i had pics on myspace, he said there were onli 3. LOL
Well how much pictures of me do you want!??!
Gosh this guyyy, he better not be stalking me.
So i sent ONE pic of me, then he asks for more. eeeeeeeeeeeee! again i asked him why he wanted my pics, the same answer was "because you're pretty"
I started to get furious LOL
and said
"no, sorry"
He always talks me, even though i don't reply but only SOMETIMES. He added me like last 2 days ago anyway.
No biggggggie,
So yeah, i dont wanna say more just incase he finds this. :x
Umm yeah, i have a major issue now with guys online. I've always thought they were bored and have nothing to do, because i was never encounted by a so called "paedophile" lolololol.
Or even have the slightest feeling of being stalked.
But actually i have =[
Not only guys, but girls too. I know for a fact because these "randoms" have added me on various websites that i have and said "i know you from bebo (or myspace or watever)" even though i've checked my bebo and myspace and i haven't seen this person before on it . haha scary '.'
But i don't care, stalk me or not it's not gonna change you life goes on xD
i went to the city on Friday with Soph, Fey and Sien.
It was fun hahaha we took a lot of pix and stuff. Didn't buy much things though, we just came for bbt and purikura -.-
But yeah good time.
Here are some pics from Sophie's cameraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
enjoy meng.
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