Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Homggg. I had to do a speech for englishhhhhh. It was so intensee because some of the sentences I said didn't make sense -.-
I regret not practising. Because I made the speech at 12 am last nightt, so when I finished it, I was like stuff this g'nitee.
Overall i go 65 for this semesters report. Which is much better than last semesters. ho ho ho, you do NOT want to know what I got in THAT semester, no sirrry.
It's a pattern I swear, like, in english in year 8 i got a B, then year 9 i got A, then this year B. wtf is this.
But I shouldn't get my hopes up xD I'm just glad i got B for BEEF. Mum says I should get Ayam, but Beef is also okay.
You know how lame that is :D

after that I had a SCIENCE test, which was on CHEMISTRY. I was OKAY in chemistry, but when it comes to BALANCING EQUATIONS my brain explodesssssssss. I got 3 out of 20. ^^
I don't really care actually, since i'm not taking any science subjects for Year 11. so thats a relief.
Anddd yeahh, i guess thats about it for the day.
Oh yeah i'm going on a excursion to this Hyogo something centre, should be fun. I mean duhh, it IS japanese, so who wouldn't want to go? Too bad the people who aren't taking Jap in Year 11 can't come. Hahahahaha they have to stay at schooooool suck camel toes.

I'm gonna go for a nap aye
Hell tired.

I'll tell you what i did tomorrow when i go on the excursion ~
Bye Bye!

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