It's sunday and I did shit all. ahaha like always durh.
Was meant to go Sunday markets but mum cbf. lazy mum.
Ew i hear the ice cream truck man. So annoying, mum told me that she couldn't concetrate on praying while the truck drove past with that gay music.
Ahhaha anyways
Got my room re furnished. It looks so small now since i have so many drawers and shelves! iish
All these things my mum purchases for me. Sometimes its just way too much hahaha.
Oh well, i'm actually liking the layout, but not the colour.
Right now i'm meant to be doing my sose assignment which is due Thursday. But he said he will accept it on Friday. I don't care whatever day it's due he said it's going to be marked and gonna go towards my grade for the end of the year. I just hope I don't get lower that B - LOL
Wat else... Oh yeah i'm reading this really good novel for English, i'm so glad Shirley ponted it out for me to read, it has so much's so indescribable but so good. I mean the story is not good it's so sad and touching. The book is called "A Thousand Splendid Suns" I'm loving it so much. Nearly finished the 367 page novel. I'm so into it, I read it for 3 hours straight, it may not sound so long to some people i guess, but this is a first for me to get so into a book! *Pats back*
Hahah i sound so retarded now.
Upcoming events!
4th of Dec - Christmas BBQ
18th of Dec - Last Day of school/year 10
19th of Jan - Holiday in Singapore and Malaysia (KL)!!
26th of Jan - My BIRTHDAY!! and I get to fill in my Log Book for Driving!!
2nd of Feb - Not sure if we come back to school on this date coz of year 11?
1oth to 24th of April - JAPAN STUDY TOUR !!
Man i can't wait! Can't wait to study and be more grown up!
Till the next time I blog hahaha which is always like a month later -.-
I'm sorry for the people that actually read my blog, I just have a lot of other things to do in the real life and prepare for what I have coming. BYE! again :D
Took a screenshot of Reina for the shooting of Kimagure Princess. She's so pretty and i love her smile.

キャアアア!! れいなはすばらし!!
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