(no point in washing face?wtf?) After zat made breaakfast! Oh glorious breakfast where the hell are you. Parents weren't home, don't know where they went, don't even care. Hahaha. Yeah I had to make breakfast... I couldn't find anything to eat tsk! I found BUNS. LOL. yeah, and i felt like toasting them~ But they were to fat to fit in the damn toaster, so I cut it in half.... and it still didn't work!! STUFF YOU FAT BUNS.
So after a while trying to think how to shove them in the toaster, I had a brilliant idea. hohoho. Being the smart person I am, I squished each of the bunz to make it look thinner and quickly shove it in the toaster. ;) So smart right. But the bigger half of the bun was being gay and I only got it through half way in the toaster. At least it's still TOASTED. Then when it was time to get the bun out, I could smell burnt toast :( oh my baby buns lol. THEY WERE STUCK!!!! GHJSADHFSAKJDHG. So I was being smart again, by using chopsticks to save them. Luckily, THEY CAME OUT !! (half burnt, but oh well) Then I made milo.
Damn those buns tasted like shiiiiet.
After brekky I go exercise for a bit. Run here run there, stretch here and there then lepak. :D
My dad came back from golf.....that was random.
Okay, I just wrote a "To Do List" for today. And it goes like this.
1. Start Eng essay/FINISH THE DRAFT!
2. Revise on Kanji for Japanese test tmr.
3. Finish drama folio
-rsrch on holocaust, polish people AND WHAT NOT.
-Write up gay reviews on each gay lessons. (i hate drama theory =| )
4. Get started on Theatre Review.
-read summary plot on "The Trail"
5. Start planning for FS Essay. Then write up draft.
6. Read the script "Streetcar named Desire"
There you go. SO organized.
I'mma start now. BYEBYE :) Might write another post tonight.
I'mma start now. BYEBYE :) Might write another post tonight.

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