ohyeahh. i'm feelin good oh yeah yeah yeahh. not really haha.
i'm in Nippon! its so freakin colddd. like homg. So right now i'm in my room, waiting for my sista to come back home from her club. she comes back at 7. so gay. im stuck home with okaaaaaaasaaan. we just went for a walk with john. john is our dog. its a girl lmao. my hands are frozenn so i cant type fast (~.~) it's VERY cold compared to perth. like 5 degrees mann. so coldddd. maahmah. i really cbf . hahaha. we went to tatsuno todayy. it was so gay and boring. all we did was go to a park and wear kimono, and then went to a temple and meditated. We had to meditate for 15 minutes. But unfortunately instead of meditating I fell asleep apparently !
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