Long time no post. Beeen busy yo!
Hahaha so where shall i start.... hmmm...lets start from the beginning of the week.
Monday I had late start, so i got to sleep in! woo.. then i found out that i got early finish too! So monday was a pretty lucky day for me. Only 3 sessions haha.
*Skips boring days*
Thursday we had half day! So everyone raged out of school to go to the places they planned to go to with their friends. Ai, Colleen, Shin, Ryan and I went to Carousel, cos we were looking for Mizuki's birthday present. Ai, Ryan and I got a lift from Sarah's car. It was soooo cool, cos her car was so luxurious and she played kpop music out loud. HEHEHEHE. For some reason I find RED 'P' platers really scary drivers. ^^"
Collen caught the bus with cynthia and youdan. After that we had lunch at Maccas, Ai ate lunch that she made in cooking. Lol it didn't look too ... appetizing.
We finally bought the present for Mizuki!! It was from The Reject Shop. BUT IT WASN'T DODGY OR ANYTHING . LOL.
Friday after school was Japanese extension class! It was a bit boring, cos I think koyano sensei was sick, so she couldn't really be bothered lol. The only fun bit was when Ai had nothing to do, so she sat on a spinny chair and made annoying noises while i was being a good student and studying my jap, then i got really annoyed and threw my eraser at her, and it hit her head LOLOLOL. Then she went "Itte" (which meant ouch in Jap) Then I ran away laughing. heheehe sorry Ai, I didn't know my throw was that good. ^^"
We also have a new Japanese teacher, she's from Kagoshima. Her name's Chieko Maehara :) And she also lives around the corner to my house, so I have to help her how to catch the bus and stuff. She's cool and verrrry pretty. We missed the bus cos she was talking to me and I didn't get to see the bus coming. tsk. lol So we had to wait another 20 minutes.
Today I drove to Big W with my dadddy. Went to print some pictures of Japan. Gotta collect them on Monday arvo. Aiyo. I'm meant to be doing my homework and assignments and TONS OF OTHER STUFF ATM. I totally wasted a lot of time this morning. So gay. I woke up, had a shower, and then went to bed. LOL. GAHH
That's all for today~
Bye bye!

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